Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Chapter 4

ideagoras. I think that I am already outdated for technology. All I have done is read through this book trying to prove the book wrong. The peer production concept does work. It works at making data free in the case of limewire, napster and all the other networks. Sure, there are a few way orginizations have learn to capture a few dollars, but not the traditional networks had. If I read one more line about harnessing all the world talents using this great invintion, oh I just read the next line in this book and that was the phrase it used. I think that the authors are using horrible examples such as IBM and other huge conglomerate.Anything can work for them if they throw enough money at it. How can this help smaller companies. Alright I have already the fourth chapter and will tell you how. the smaller companies will someday scour the internet for the leftover projects of conglomerates and somehow figure out a way to make a dollar.Chap 4 mentions iccocentive and others alike. I got on to this site the other day and read through a few of their policies in terms of info sharing and if I am not mistaken, the person who post the problem get access to the solution whether they pay the ransom or not. If not, then the owner of the website gets to keep the solution. This does not seem very open information like to me.

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