Friday, December 14, 2007

Chapter 6

As I was reading I saw a phrase used, "age of collaboration". I do know that we are now labled to be in the information age, I can see how the next age would be the collaboration age. I still struggle with the concept of the contributors not being compensated. I just do not understand why anyone would share the hard work they put into gathering data, for the example in this chapter of the Human Genome Project, and not reap the benefits. I can also see how figuring out how to keep the info coming is going to be a very toughy subject. As you can tell I am back to being pesimistic about this idea. I just don't see how this can be benificial to small and medium size companies.

1 comment:

das said...

Most of them who are involved in the projects like human genome or linux, just do it for kick that they get out of solvig something. It gives them a sense of achievement and they feel better when they contribute for the betterment of the human kind.