Monday, November 26, 2007

Chapter 3- Peer Production

I am and writing as I read. Ok, I read the first two pages and the authors are already addressing my concerns while furthing my argument. How can peer production be profitable to companies when they have no control. I will keep reading to find out. So peer production is about feeling good about solving a problem, wow I hope that some day we can pay bills or distribute limited resources by feeling good about solving problems. That was a joke. Ok, another reference to wikipedia. I am glad that they brought up the most important fact about peer contributions, they can't be monitored, in turn watering down the valididty of the product. Sure it is possible for companies such as IBM to invest a 100 million dollars and recieve 500 million worth of work in return, but not everyone has the resource that IBM has to make it happen. Still not convinced. Ok some examples for small business uses. I can see how these applications are possible but not everyone in the world are computer programmers.

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