Friday, November 16, 2007

Intro and First chapter

This sound like it will a interesting one. I have a pretty good feeling that I will disagree with the authors on a regular basis but I plan to keep an open mind. On the theory of open information sharing and implementing it in an organization, I am skeptical. If you were disclose all info to the public, the competitive advantage will be lost. I can see how using these methods to solve a single problem such as the mining company did can work. But to fill an organization with "remote employees" contributing to the cause of the organization will have disastrous effects. These contributors have no invested interest in the organization. Ok, mabey I will be pursuaded in the upcoming chapters, but he will have to do more than give me strung together theory with a few weak examples as he has done so far.


Chuck Copeland said...

You were right about keeping an open mind. The authors make some statements that I found hard to believe based on their evidence. Personaly, I don't believe mass collaboration is the next wave like they do.

CariSmith said...

I believe that the ideas of mass collaboration could be manipulated to help every company in some way, but being skeptical is a must. Businesses should still rely on cost analysis, feasability, etc. If businesses don't need employees anymore, then I think everyone would be self-employed and I don't know if that would work. I don't think that mass collaboration would take away all employees but artifical intelligence, that's another sotry.